We must teach our children to dream with their eyes open.
— Harry Edwards


We are thrilled to be able to offer a program for our youngest learners beginning in January of 2022.


Children must be 2 1/2 by the start of the program. This is the perfect opportunity for young learners to experience a gentle separation. The parent and child are supported every step of the way as the child develops the independence to explore the world around them.

With 12 children, a head teacher, an assistant teacher and a co-op parent, children are encouraged to explore with many artistic and building materials, engage in sensory experiences, and practice problem solving, all in an age-appropriate setting.


Parents have the unique opportunity to take home the joys of shared experiences from the classroom on their co-op days where they get to be an active member in the classroom. This helps to develop continuity between home and school as parents can watch their children in a setting completely different from daily home life- interacting with their peers, exploring their environment, and meeting new intellectual challenges. 

In the first month, our primary focus is to help the child and the parent with the process of separation. A parent stays for the child’s first day of school to allow the child to explore while knowing he can return to the safety of the parent. This also allows the parent to have a window into the child’s day at school. After the first day, the teacher and parent will discuss how they feel the separation process should continue, should the parent stay another day, leave after meeting or just give hugs and kisses and go? It is important that the parent feels confident in the process so that the child can as well.

Beginning the second month, a parent helps in the classroom approximately once a month on an equally distributed rotating basis. In the classroom, the parent works unobtrusively as an extra pair of hands facilitating the work of the children, and is not responsible for curriculum, planning or teaching.

An ongoing dialogue allows parents and teachers to share information about the child in the home and school environments. This may range from a change in behavior, to an important family event, to a small, but special accomplishment.

Additionally, each family holds a job that helps to run our school. Our member families participate in the operation of the Co-op in whatever ways they are able. Scheduling, purchasing snacks, writing publicity, and helping with school maintenance are a few of the jobs for parents. Fundraising events are sponsored by the school to raise money for educational supplies and for improvements to the building.


Our fully accredited head teachers stimulate learning by inspiring a child's spontaneous curiosity. Our teachers are readily available to the entire family, offering support and information through informal telephone contact, email, home visits, conferences and written evaluations. At regular parents’ meetings, the teachers report class activities and lead discussions on pertinent topics.


Outside play is an important part of our curriculum.  We are located in St. George’s Church in Maplewood.  We take advantage of all seasons to play in our beautiful playground and the area surrounding the building.  Dressed appropriately, we play outside every day, in rain, snow and sun. The children use the outdoor equipment, go on nature walks, and build with outdoor blocks.

It is so important to give our children the opportunity to explore the world around them.
— Anna, former parent